Emails poubelle libre

Générer des emails poubelle sans contrainte de durée de vie.

Debug activé
Array ( ) 1

Version 1.1 - Créé par David Mercereau sous licence GNU GPL v3

Télécharger et utiliser ce script sur le site du projet emailPoubelle.php ou sur le github

ep_checkupdate_downloaded : 2.0 \n

Upgrade note : Votre version est en 1.1 alors que la version en cours est en 2.0

Let the Show Begin - Pre and Code

This is how it looks if you use pre and code together, for example to highlight and nicely markup a piece of code:

pre {
font-size : 12px;
background : #F0F0F0;

Example Blockquote

If you want to quote somebody, you can use this perfectly semantic example for a blockquote:

Jonas Jacek
During my years in the Internet Marketing business I have seen and done many things I never thought would be of interest to me or anyone else.

Examples Alerts, Notice & Confirmation

These sample styles for alerts and notices are useful if you want to use the template in content management systems.

Alert: This is how an alert looks like.

Notice: This is how a notice looks like.

Confirmation: This is how a confirmation looks like.

Example Table

The following is the design for a table. The style is simple and user-friendly. Some of the effects were made with CSS3.

Mini HTML5 Reference Guide
Tag Info Attributes
<abbr> abbreviation global attributes**
<area> in an image map alt, coords, href, hreflang, media, ping, rel, shape, target, type
<article> article/ content global attributes**
<aside> sidebar global attributes**
<audio> sound content autobuffer, autoplay, controls, loop, src
<b> bold text global attributes**

Example hCalendar

The following is a definition list in combination with the hCalendar microformat.

Conference Name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi nec eleifend diam. Fusce lobortis odio ac sem scelerisque sed iaculis purus ornare.

Example Video

You can put your Video-Files here...

Example Audio

You can put your Audio-Files here...

Example Lists

Two different kinds of lists were styled: Ordered lists (ol) and unordered (ul) lists.

  1. This is
  2. The Ordered
  3. Listing
  • This is
  • The Unordered
  • Listing

Example Form

This is how a form will look like in this template.

Author: Jonas Jacek | Date: 2010-01-21 | Comments: 7

Tags: , , ,